Hard (Offlaner)

Hard (Offlaner)
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Axia of Metira
Axia of Metira
Golden Infernal Chieftain
Golden Infernal Chieftain
Twisted Maelstrom
Twisted Maelstrom
Blades of Voth Domosh
Blades of Voth Domosh
Swine of the Sunken Galley
Swine of the Sunken Galley
Feathers of the Vermillion Crucible
Feathers of the Vermillion Crucible
Molten Claw
Molten Claw
Grasping Bludgeon
Grasping Bludgeon
Armor of Twisted Maelstrom
Armor of Twisted Maelstrom
Infernal Chieftain
Infernal Chieftain
Latticean Shards
Latticean Shards
World Chasm Artifact
World Chasm Artifact
Shock of the Anvil
Shock of the Anvil
Mantle of the Cinder Baron
Mantle of the Cinder Baron
Baneful Devotion
Baneful Devotion
Adoring Wingfall
Adoring Wingfall
Controlled Burn
Controlled Burn
The Barren Vector
The Barren Vector
Blastforge Exhaler
Blastforge Exhaler